Ocean Prance Earth

ocean conservation platform

Conservation progress

Prance Earth Ocean Software is a technology platform for ocean conservation, tourism & businesses to manage operations, benchmark conservation projects and engage with community across digital hubs to promote Ocean awareness.


Elevate Ocean conservation with AI driven insights on your 24/7 platform

Empower your organization, Streamline Workflow

Data Science Savvy at-a Glance

Find Efficiencies, Accelerate Action

Save Time, Save Costs, Connect with Donors

Track & Benchmark Projects

Inspire Guest Conservation, Connect Stakeholders

Platform Features

Optimize conservation

Manage Operations

  • Optimize operations with real-time status reports
  • Manage internal teams and external communications
  • Organize assets, live conditions & events

Conservation Effectiveness Evaluation

  •  Utilize data visualization and geospatial tracking to assess and rank marine areas for conservation efforts.

Transparency + Measurement

  • Emphasize transparency in reporting progress and measuring the impact of conservation efforts

Engage Guest

  • Engage guests with live status updates alongside Ocean and Science metrics to communicate your live sustainability goals with visitors

Grow sustainability goals, engage guests, build brand

Strategic Support

  • Prioritize + allocate resources to areas in need of attention for enhancement, aiming to evaluate + rank marine areas based on conservation effectiveness.

Impact Fund

  • Participate in our Impact Fund to earn passive revenue 
  • Build brand loyalty, connect with guests and support environmental partners

Ocean Conservation News

Prance Earth News



Allison Pobrislo invented the Prance Resort Operations Software licensed to over 50 luxury ski resorts, hotels, museums & an airport.  In 2022, she pivoted the business to help resorts and their guest become sustainable.  With energy management tools, AI predictive data analytics & visualization, central to the platform is cinematic communications, making the invisible visible.  Allison is passionate about the outdoors and is an open water Ocean swimmer in northern California.  And an extension to the media suite is her nonprofit, Prance Earth News, reporting on innovation, circularity and sustainability, in partnership with a Swiss news agency.  pranceearth.org

Clients over the Years


Alpine & Ocean Tourism

Conservation Organizations

Museums & Non-Profit Orgs

Towns & Cities

Prance Ocean can help the Malpelo Foundation accelerate climate action and optimize its conservation efforts in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) through its software and engagement tools by focusing on the following key areas:


1. Real-Time Data Analytics and Climate Monitoring

Prance Ocean’s platform offers advanced data analytics that can assist the Malpelo Foundation in monitoring ocean health, biodiversity, and the impacts of climate change within its MPAs. By leveraging real-time data and AI-driven tools, the Foundation can:

  • Monitor the health of marine ecosystems in the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary and other MPAs.
  • Track the effects of ocean acidification and warming on biodiversity.
  • Generate predictive models to anticipate future changes, helping the Foundation develop proactive conservation strategies.


2. Benchmarking and Tracking Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Prance Ocean enables the benchmarking and tracking of MPA performance, such as Malpelo, against global conservation standards. This includes:

  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) related to biodiversity conservation, habitat restoration, and carbon emission reductions.
  • Comparing Malpelo’s MPA data with other MPAs globally to identify areas for improvement or highlight success stories.
  • Continuously tracking progress in terms of species regeneration, water quality improvement, and reduction of threats like illegal fishing and pollution.


3. Marine Conservation and Decarbonization Tracking

Prance Ocean’s decarbonization tools can assist the Malpelo Foundation in measuring and reducing its carbon footprint, especially in marine operations within MPAs. These tools can:

  • Track emissions from marine research expeditions, logistics, and transportation activities in the MPAs.
  • Assess the carbon impact of marine traffic and tourism around the Malpelo Sanctuary and other protected areas.
  • Implement renewable energy solutions to power research stations and equipment within MPAs, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.



4. ESG and Reporting Tools for Donor Transparency

With Prance Ocean’s ESG reporting tools, the Foundation can create transparent reports on the environmental and social impacts of its MPA conservation efforts. This includes:

  • Measuring the effectiveness of conservation actions, such as ecosystem restoration and biodiversity improvements within the MPAs.
  • Reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate mitigation activities in the MPAs.
  • Enhancing donor and stakeholder engagement by sharing real-time success metrics and outcomes from MPA conservation.


5. Guest and Donor Engagement through Storytelling

Prance Ocean emphasizes engagement through storytelling and immersive media, which can enhance the Malpelo Foundation’s ability to:

  • Provide interactive platforms that educate the public, donors, and tourists about the importance of MPA conservation and the urgency of climate action.
  • Create cinematic content showcasing real-time data from the MPAs, enabling users to visualize climate change impacts and conservation progress.
  • Implement micro-donation tools allowing global supporters and tourists to contribute directly to MPA conservation projects via the platform.


6. Collaborative Platforms and Partnerships

Prance Ocean’s collaboration features can facilitate partnerships between the Malpelo Foundation and other conservation organizations, universities, and tech partners to:

  • Share data for enhanced research on marine biodiversity and climate impacts within MPAs.
  • Secure funding by integrating climate risk tools and impact measurement into donor outreach.
  • Scale conservation efforts through joint climate action initiatives, using Malpelo’s MPAs as a model for marine conservation.

By incorporating these tools, Prance Ocean can help the Malpelo Foundation not only protect its Marine Protected Areas but also drive global awareness and action for ocean health and climate resilience.

Prance Ocean can help the Malpelo Foundation accelerate climate action and conservation efforts across the following regions through software and engagement tools:


Our software tools offer real-time data tracking, geospatial mapping, and climate risk analytics, Prance Ocean can help the Malpelo Foundation protect biodiversity, empower local communities, and ensure protecting the ocean biodiversity data sustainable tourism and fishing practices across these regions, contributing to long-term climate resilience.


Prance offers easy data integration from your research, and helps you accelerate the conservation while educating the public. 


1. Oceanic Region – Malpelo (Remote Island)

Prance Ocean can provide software tools to monitor and protect the remote Malpelo Island Marine Protected Area (MPA). By leveraging real-time data analytics, the Foundation can track ocean health, biodiversity, and climate impacts to:

  • Monitor & benchmark tagged endangered species like hammerhead sharks.
  • Combat illegal fishing, monitor ocean acidification, and assess plastic pollution impacts.

  • Use geospatial tools to create predictive models for future climate risks.

  • Provide tools for educating local fisherman, communities, and toruims on sustainable practices, reduce demand of natural resources and biodiversity conservation.

2. Pacific Ocean of Colombia

In this region, where many communities face poverty and low access to education, Prance Ocean can play a key role in advancing fisheries education, conservation, and biodiversity protection:

  • Support local fishers with education programs on sustainable fishing, biodiversity, and the importance of species like hammerhead sharks.

  • Monitoring nurseries of hammerhead sharks, etc. 

  • Provide tools for monitoring ocean plastic pollution and marine debris, helping the Foundation mitigate the impact of trash and educate communities on waste management.

  • Collaborate with the Foundation to train local fishers in diving, conservation, and biodiversity monitoring, educating and preparing them for work in marine conservation and sustainability efforts.

  • Transform local fishers’ roles from fishing to ocean biodiversity conservation, empowering them to become stewards of the marine environment while also improving food security.



3. Caribbean Region – Baru Community

The Baru Community, near Cartagena, is engaged in various biodiversity restoration efforts, where Prance Ocean can enhance initiatives like:

  • Mangrove and coral reef restoration, offering tools for monitoring and tracking ecosystem health and restoration progress.

  • Collaborating with local communities tourism operators to foster partnerships that help drive marine conservation while supporting local economies.

  • Jungle restoration and the introduction of biodiversity projects, such as reintroducing animals with botanical gardens, with tools to monitor ecosystem recovery.

  • Providing tools to support better boat mooring practices that minimize damage to coral reefs and seagrass beds.

  • Facilitating co-collaborations between different actors and stakeholders, such as local governments, tourism partners, and conservation organizations, to maximize conservation impact.

  • Coordinating stakeholders and Tourism Partners to accomplish the work

    • Engaging guests about the Foundation and opportunity for guests micro donations.  

    • Prance Energy management at hotel

Meetings with stakeholders 



– Accelerate Conservation

– Connect teams

– Streamline Workflow

– Consolidate all data sets 

– Interactive Data analytics and Visualization 

– AI predictive analytics

– Manage Operations

 – Benchmark and track

 – Communications internal, community and for donors

 – Branding + digital strategy for web social, and annual reports



How do we start?

What data do you have that you send into a government database portal?  We can start with a small amount of this data to enter into Prance for you.  


To protect the ocean, we accelerate your data, internal communications and community education. 




Software Platform:  Starts at USD$1,500

News Article:  USD$:250

Prance Ocean puede ayudar a la Fundación Malpelo a acelerar la acción climática y optimizar sus esfuerzos de conservación en Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP) mediante el uso de sus herramientas de software y participación, enfocándose en las siguientes áreas clave:


1. Análisis de Datos en Tiempo Real y Monitoreo Climático

La plataforma de Prance Ocean incluye análisis avanzados de datos que pueden ayudar a la Fundación Malpelo a monitorear la salud oceánica, la biodiversidad y los impactos del cambio climático en sus AMP. Utilizando datos en tiempo real y herramientas de IA, la Fundación puede:

  • Monitorear la salud de los ecosistemas marinos en el Santuario de Flora y Fauna de Malpelo y otras AMP.
  • Observar los efectos de la acidificación y el calentamiento de los océanos sobre la biodiversidad.
  • Generar modelos predictivos para anticipar cambios futuros, ayudando a desarrollar estrategias de conservación proactivas.


2. Benchmarking y Seguimiento de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP)

Prance Ocean permite establecer puntos de referencia (benchmarking) y realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento de las AMP, como el Santuario de Malpelo, en comparación con otras áreas protegidas globalmente. Las herramientas incluyen:

  • Establecer indicadores clave de desempeño (KPIs) relacionados con la conservación de biodiversidad y la reducción de emisiones.
  • Comparar datos de las AMP de Malpelo con otras áreas protegidas internacionales para identificar áreas de mejora o éxito.
  • Seguimiento continuo del progreso en términos de regeneración de especies marinas, mejora de la calidad del agua y reducción de amenazas como la pesca ilegal o la contaminación.


3. Conservación Marina y Seguimiento de la Descarbonización

Las herramientas de descarbonización de Prance Ocean pueden ayudar a la Fundación Malpelo a medir y reducir su huella de carbono, particularmente en las operaciones dentro de las AMP. Esto incluye:

  • Seguimiento de las emisiones derivadas de actividades de investigación marina y operaciones logísticas dentro de las AMP.
  • Evaluación del impacto del tráfico marino, el turismo y otras actividades humanas en las AMP.
  • Implementación de soluciones de energía renovable para las estaciones de investigación en las áreas protegidas.


4. Herramientas de ESG y Reportes para Transparencia a Donantes

Utilizando las herramientas de ESG de Prance Ocean, la Fundación puede crear informes transparentes y detallados sobre los resultados en sus AMP, lo que incluye:

  • Medir y reportar el impacto ambiental, como la restauración de ecosistemas, el crecimiento de la biodiversidad y las emisiones de carbono.
  • Informes detallados sobre la protección de la fauna y flora marinas, que puedan ser presentados a donantes y partes interesadas.
  • Compromiso mejorado con donantes mediante el uso de datos en tiempo real para demostrar avances y desafíos en las AMP.


5. Compromiso de Donantes y Visitantes a Través de la Narrativa

Prance Ocean utiliza narrativas y contenido inmersivo para aumentar el compromiso público. Para la Fundación Malpelo, esto puede traducirse en:

  • Plataformas interactivas que eduquen a donantes, turistas y el público en general sobre la importancia de las AMP y los esfuerzos de conservación en curso.
  • Contenido visual que permita a las personas ver el impacto de los esfuerzos de conservación en las AMP, mejorando la comprensión y el apoyo a largo plazo.
  • Herramientas de microdonaciones para que los visitantes y simpatizantes contribuyan directamente a los proyectos de conservación de las AMP.


6. Plataformas Colaborativas y Alianzas

Las capacidades de colaboración de Prance Ocean pueden facilitar alianzas entre la Fundación Malpelo y otras organizaciones de conservación, utilizando datos compartidos para:

  • Comparar la efect

Pledge 1%

Prance Earth is pledging 1% of our tech services to nonprofit partners that protect wildlife and environment.